Globus Oil & Gas Services , is a diversified latinamerica povider of upstream and midstream products and services to the O&G industry . Globus team is focused on providing innovative solutions and outstanding customer service.
Globus is committed to becoming the premier global solutions provider for the oil and gas industry, focused exceptional customer service and products
Best-in-Class Solutions for the Full Lifecycle of the Well
Trust in Globus’ performance for the entire lifecycle of a well through our three energy-industry-oriented product lines: Downstrem and Midstream Chemical Technologies, Consulting and Skill and Casing equipmet, . All of our products and services share the commitment to our vision to provide best technology, to address challenges of our customers and to provide exceptional customer service
Accelerating Technologies and Customer Revenues
We are growing and constantly improving our solutions to the upstream energy industry’s greatest challenges. Our technologically advanced product lines play a vital role in the extraction of oil and gas resources from today’s unconventional resource plays. The horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing revolution is expanding globally, and Globus is growing with it. Globus will maximize your oil and natural gas production economics.
Making a Difference in Our Community
A vital part of Globus’s company culture is to make a difference in our community. We strive towards this goal by devoting time and resources to charitable causes

Short-term goals expect accomplishment in a short period of time, such as trying to get a bill paid in the next few days.

An organizational goal-management solution ensures that individual employee goals and objectives align with the vision and strategic goals of the entire organization.