Aciacetic-50 is a freeze-protected mixture containing a minim um of 50% acetic acid. It is typically used for pH control only rather than as an iron control additive.
Acidizing, Stimulation & Fracturing Products
BF-121 is a freeze-protected mixture containing an acetic anhydride and salt. It is a pH control agent for CMHPG polym er hydration also used as a pH control in low pH CMHPG system.
BF-122 is a pH control agent for high-pH fracturing fluids. It is useful in both borate- and zirconium- crosslinked fluids, particularly at high temperatures where a pH of 10 or higher is required for gel stability.
BF-123 is a pH control agent for high-pH fracturing fluids. It is useful in both borate- and zirconium- crosslinked fluids, particularly at high temperatures where a pH of 10.5 or higher is required for gel stability.
BF-123W is a pH control agent for high-pH fracturing fluids. It is a winterized version of BF-123 with a free point of -38°F that may require slightly higher loadings than BF-123. It is useful in both borate- and zirconium- crosslinked fluids, particularly at high temperatures where a pH of 10.5 or higher is required for gel stability.
Plexaid TDS is a patent pending fracturing fluid additive that is a component used in crosslinking produced water, processed produced water, or flow-back water – any water containing high concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS) – with a guar polymer and boron crosslinker. Plexaid TDS mitigates the formation of calcium, magnesium and other dissolved solids’ precipitates that are produced when common buffering agents such as sodium hydroxide (caustic) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) are used in waters containing high levels of total dissolved solids.
Potassium Carbonate is a buffer for high pH zirconium and borate crosslinked fracturing fluids. It economically reaches useful pH values with low tendency to “overshoot” to high pHs.
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